
Local Debug

Validate your customization in local development.


The goal of this section is to explain how to validate your customization in local before publishing on production.

It can help if:


Import your project on Studio

Clone your repository on local

Enable Nuxt Content preview in development

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  content: {
    preview: {
      // force module initialization on dev env
      dev: true

Launch your app using your dev command with --tunnel to expose it to the internet

npx nuxt dev --tunnel

local tunnel expose

Ensure the metadata file has been generated

__preview.json file should accessible from https://your-localtunnel-url/__preview.json

Copy the tunnel URL and copy it in the self-hosting section of the deployment tab on Studio platform

That's it! You should now be able to access Studio UI and confirm that your config interface has been successfully generated and your Vue components are available with their props and slots in the editor.
Any modification of your nuxt.config.ts file or any changes in a Vue file require a restart of the Nuxt dev server. Once the server has restarted you can synchronize the Studio interface by calling the Sync meta action from command menu . A refresh of the Studio app should also apply the update.