
Define Content Collections

Learn how to define and configure content collections in your Nuxt application.

The Nuxt Content module automatically parses any content files within the content/ directory located at the root of your Nuxt application. This setup allows you to freely structure the folder to suit your project's needs.

For better organization, consider using Content Collections, which let you categorize and manage content more effectively. These collections are defined in a content.config.ts file.

If no content.config.ts file is present, all files within the content folder are parsed and imported by default. However, once a config file is added, only files matching the specified path patterns defined in collections will be imported.

What are Content Collections?

Content Collections organize related items within your Nuxt Content project. They provide a structured way to manage your content, making it easier to query, display, and maintain your site's data.

Key features include:

  • Logical Grouping: Group similar content together, such as blog posts, product pages, or documentation articles
  • Shared Configuration: Apply common settings and validations across all items within a collection
  • Improved Querying: Fetch and filter related content items efficiently
  • Automatic Type Inference: Get type safety and autocompletion in your development environment
  • Flexible Structure: Organize collections by content type, category, or any other logical grouping that suits your needs

Defining Collections

Create a content.config.ts file in your project's root directory. This special file configures your collections database, utility types, and content handling.

Here's a basic example:

import { defineCollection, defineContentConfig } from '@nuxt/content'

export default defineContentConfig({
  collections: {
    docs: defineCollection({
      // Load every file inside the `content` directory
      source: '**',
      // Specify the type of content in this collection
      type: 'page'
Currently, a document is designed to be present in only one collection at a time. If a file is referenced in multiple collections, live reload will not work correctly. To avoid this, it is recommended to use the exclude attribute to explicitly exclude a document from other collections using appropriate regex patterns.This topic is still under discussion in this issue: nuxt/content#2966.

Collection Schema

Schemas enforce data consistency within a collection and serve as the source of truth for TypeScript types.

On top of the built-in fields, you can define a schema by adding the schema property to your collection by using a zod schema:

import { defineCollection, defineContentConfig, z } from '@nuxt/content'

export default defineContentConfig({
  collections: {
    blog: defineCollection({
      source: 'blog/*.md',
      type: 'page',
      // Define custom schema for docs collection
      schema: z.object({
        tags: z.array(z.string()),
        image: z.string(),
@nuxt/content exposes a z object that contains a set of Zod schemas for common data types. Check the Zod’s README for complete documentation on how Zod works and what features are available.
You can define as many collections as you want to organize different types of content.

Querying Collections

Use the queryCollection util to fetch one or all items from a collection:

<script setup lang="ts">
const { data: posts } = await useAsyncData('blog', () => queryCollection('blog').all())

      <li v-for="post in posts" :key="">
        <NuxtLink :to="post.path">{{ post.title }}</NuxtLink>
Learn more about the available query options in our queryCollections API documentation.


The defineCollection function defines a collection in your content configuration. Here's its TypeScript signature:

function defineCollection(collection: Collection): DefinedCollection

type Collection = {
  // Determines how content is processed
  type: 'page' | 'data'
  // Specifies content location
  source?: string | CollectionSource
  // Zod schema for content validation and typing
  schema?: ZodObject<T>
Learn more about collection types.
type CollectionSource = {
  // Glob pattern for content matching
  include: string
  // .path prefix (only applies to 'page' type)
  prefix?: string
  // Glob patterns to exclude content
  exclude?: string[]
  // Root directory for content matching
  cwd?: string
  // Remote git repository URL (e.g.,
  repository?: string
  // Authentication token for private repositories (e.g., GitHub personal access token)
  authToken?: string
Learn more about collection sources.

The function returns the defined collection object.